
Closing Down

As I don't really have much time for gaming or even writing these days (sad sigh), I am going to make focusing on my Food Blog a priority.

So please, my dear followers turn your attention to:





Not much to update here just yet - but I am considering doing Camp NaNoWriMo in August.... Anyone else going in?

That's right I am crazy enough to consider doing NaNo TWICE this year.

Haven't been paying too much attention to the gaming world just yet - but Halo 4 does look shiny. I hope it really, truly, is.


Division and Rebooting

So here's the deal, this blog here was supposed to be a gathering place for my WriMo and Gamer friends to come read about my doings, feelings, and thinkings in those arenas.

It started as a food blog (Bento) then switched, then moved back when we started Rebooting. But now this will become what it was meant to be. If you're interested in keeping up with the Rebooting and other Foodie things I do check out my new blog over at The Allergy Challenged Gourmet.

More updates soon! I promise!


Reboot #2 Days 3 (Part 2) - Day 5

Welcome to another blog about juice! In all seriousness though I am so glad I figured out why I felt so poorly the last go round. I am feeling so much better this time and was even able to resist a horribly bad for me, but oh so delicious looking sheet cake at work yesterday. That was a tough fight!

So we finally weighed ourselves yesterday. Logician is down to 217.5 and I am down to 204. His weight loss is a bit slower this time but I think that's because he's not getting enough calories. We shall continue to argue this fact for awhile. 

An interesting thing I forgot to write up in the last blog was that when we picked up those amazing grapes (yes they are still amazing), the cashier asked us if we had seen Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead (Join the Reboot). It is interesting to us that it seems like all sorts of people have seen the documentary and taken Rebooting into consideration. It reminded us just how epidemic the fast food diet is. 

I don't know exactly what I will do if this Reboot gets me below 200lbs. I haven't weighed less than 200 since I was in high school. More on the days after the jump.


Reboot #2 Days 2-3

Day 1 sucked for me. I was so tired and so hungry all day! But it did lead to some awesome discoveries that I think will help make this Reboot more successful for me.

The first thing I realized is that I felt so sick during the last reboot because my calorie intake was way to low. I did some research and I burn between 300 and 500 calories for each hour of massage I do. Add that to a busy life style of running around to get errands and what not accomplished and the fact that I do between three and five massages, five days a week and you've got a massive calorie deficit. I ended up doing two juices, four cans of V8 (about 140 calories each), and two solid meals on Friday (which included five hours of massage) and on Saturday I woke up feeling much better.

For dinner on Friday I had smashed potatoes with mushrooms, and some celery and humus. Then when I got home from work I ate more celery and humus and another potato. Not the most chef inspired food but I was tired and grumpy. But man was it tasty.

As discussed we had 'Mean Green' for lunch on Friday and it was one of the better versions of it, I think. I find the celery gives juice a very grassy taste that I am still working on enjoying. Which is weird because I can eat celery all the time otherwise, but meh.

We didn't do very well on Saturday as far as juicing at home. We went to the farmers market in the morning and got some awesome carrots (and I do mean awesome, we got them last week too and two bunches just disappears), but found out it was the last week for carrots sadly. We also got some awesome green curly kale, rainbow chard, a small butternut squash, six juicy cucumbers, a large bag of fresh basil, and a small pint of mixed heirloom cherry sized tomatoes.

We have made the switch to buying most of the things we juice locally or at least organically. We have found that though they tend to be smaller (think cabbages) they also tend to be juicier. Especially greens.

Although we still have not made the much needed switch to organic apples... (Yes I KNOW! Biggest offenders of all, seriously no need to yell.)


Reboot #2 Day 1

That's right Kiddies, we're rebooting again. Today is day one. We've been prepping for about two weeks now although somewhere in the middle we lost steam. We're back on track today.

We started off the day with:

As you can see it has some Cantaloupe, about half of one to be exact. Somewhere between five and eight stalks of celery, three farmers market carrots, two peaches, a piece of ginger, and some rainbow chard. It was green colored, tasted of cantaloupe, and a very meh sort of juice.

For lunch today we're having Mean Green. As that's what we had items for. And for my dinner I made two baked potatoes, smashed them with almond milk, mixed in a small can of mushrooms, and some garlic, pepper, and salt. I will likely end up having a V8 and some hummus along with it.

We are trying to apply lessons learned last go round to this one. Namely that I cannot function without one solid meal a day, and that I need to make sure I watch my caloric intake. It was too low last time and that led to me feeling really sick. Being a massage therapist and working 20-25 hours a week doing massage means a lot of burned calories!

Other lessons include that I cannot drink 20ozs of juice in one go, stomach won't tolerate it. And that Logician has to have 16-20 oz a serving in order to feel full. Lunches are a bit smaller for him as he generally won't be hungry for dinner otherwise.

I have stocked up on cans of V8, which while it would be better to make it from scratch in the juicer, I seem to have a knack for hating the natural V8 I make. So when I start to feel a little blah, I grab a V8. Since our breakfast juice wasn't that high in calories I have had some V8 this morning, to stave off that hunger/sinus/tension headache monster that is arguing with me.

Off to lunch and work! Blessings!


Juicing end, updates, etc

Wow so I disappeared again. Even after all my awesome pictures with which to regale you of the last days of our juicing.

We made it a total of 17 days and are still losing weight. Logician is down an astounding 28lbs, and I have lost about 21-22 depending on the day. I am pretty much plateaued but he keeps losing so we'll see where he ends up.

Our current plan is to begin again June 1st and go for at least 15 and as many as 60 days. So far we have about three other people on board with us.

I will likely post the pictures sometime but the juices were a lot more of the same. Going to try to find some books to help us branch out with recipes this time.

I have not done much editing on LoE, which makes me a bit sad but such is the way of things. The writing muse is fickle and will often lead me off on other stories when I want to focus. I'm not worried. She'll come back.

Nothing more interesting than that right now. Ciao!