
Bento 3 - AKA Stay Off my Lawn!

So today's Bento taught me a very important lesson - I create better when I know for sure which parts I am going to use. I made this last night and had established on Saturday (when I made my first Onigiri, unfortunately the only rice seasoning I could find without nori in it I did not like. Will have to try another approach) that it would contain rice and chicken. Sadly that was as far as I got and when it came time to put it together the veggies were a bit uncooperative!

It came out okay, but it was a good lesson to learn early. Here's today's menu:

Snack - Fruit salad consisting of a cut up kiwi, a tangerine, and the outside of a pink mochi
Main lunch - Chicken (frozen chicken tenderloins, seasoned with pepper and garlic), sushi rice, and snow peas
Veggies - Raw broccoli, Cherry Tomatoes, Cucumber, and the white of a hard boiled egg

Logician is buying me some Bento boxes as part of my Christmasversery (Our 2 yr anniversary is the 27th of Dec) present. I hope to borrow the gifts I'm buying him for use too (cooking stuff). I am looking forward to having some shallower but prettier containers!

Tomorrow I will use some of the left over Onigiri that I wrapped up in plastic wrap.

Also point of note I have resumed my study of Japanese. The Kana and Kanji may be my undoing! We'll see.


  1. Lesson learned the hard way - becareful of using cold sushi rice. It is absolutely horrid. If you do wrap it, then wrap it VERY tightly. Otherwise, it is cold and very hard.

  2. I have learned that as well! :D Plastic containers for the win on that front.
