
2012 So Far

It's only a few weeks old but already 2012 is starting out amazingly better than 2011. It seems like this year is meant for accomplishment in my life, and I like that. I have been slacking (again) on revising/editing the first draft of Lines of Eternity (by the way - currently HATE the title). I keep hauling it around with me but then decide to give my attention to other things.... Not the best idea. The problem is I have so much I want to get done and now a lot less time to do it.

I have promised myself to get it done though. I'm so close! I've added so much amazing content and rewritten so many scenes that are extra amazing now. So I need to do it!


Bento Galore

Alright so I've been posting these Bento pictures on Facebook for the world to see their glory but haven't been here to talk about them.

First of all - I got the Just Bento Cookbook and it is amazing! The photographs are beautiful. The recipes are inspiring and I just love the ease of the language and techniques. I am looking forward to using the recipes once I get back in a place to buy the staple items I'm low on.


Hi Blog!

Hee hee... Hi. *sheepish wave*

So NaNoWriMo? Huge fail. Epic in fact, because the story never came to me and when I tried to force on it fell flat on its face.

It didn't help that in mid-November I lost my job, but I was very lucky to find another one fairly quickly! A Massage job too - oh yea.

So I made some Bento since I work tomorrow all day and will need something healthy and yummy to eat.


Yea I'm pretty happy with these. They aren't the cutest I ever made, but after being out of Bento making for quite some time I'm happy with them.

One of my goals for the new job is to make Bento when I work. That way I always have something healthy and cute to eat. It will hopefully help me condition my body for working as a therapist full time, and help me lose some more weight this year.

Here's hoping!